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Cameron Murray Q&A


Photo provided by Weymouth FC &

Ryan Asman

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Words by Ant Taylor & Cameron Murray - @iAmRadioAnt / @cam_67_

Name: Cameron Murray

Age: 25

Position: Centre Midfield

Current Club: Weymouth F.C.

Previous Club: York City, Scarborough Athletic, FC United of Manchester, Stalybridge Celtic & Dorchester Town.

Day Job: PE Teacher/ Training to become a Daytrader.


Cameron Murray away at Colne FC 

Best mates in football: To be honest as dressing rooms are always changing its sometimes difficult to keep in touch with everyone but in general, I always get on well with everyone. But maybe Adam Nagy who I played with in Spain as we always keep in touch. It is easier now too as he’s playing for Bristol City in the championship. My current car school of Josh Mcquoid, Andreas Robinson and Jack Hoey are a great bunch of lads too.

Most memorable moment: Winning the national league south play off final, for more reasons than one. I had just come back from major leg surgery and I was told 2 days before the game the league was not going to allow me to play based upon some elite criteria nonsense they had created. I won’t go into the details but the club and myself eventually managed to sort it out, so it was a good feeling to seal back-to-back promotion that day.

Footballing hero: Lionel Messi, Henrik Larsson and Jimmy Johnstone.

Team you support: Celtic FC

Funniest moment: Far too many in football, they end up been a regular occurrence with some of the characters you come across. But something which has sprung to mind and I’ve no idea why but I was in the youth team with Bradford city and we went over to Arizona for a football tournament and I always remember been in this huge mall and the coaches saying “Right, we don’t want to see anyone eating any rubbish or fatty food.”
But one lad just could not resist a meatball marinara from Subway, I think that was the first time I’d ever seen a Subway. We were all stood in a circle and the coach at the time was speaking. The lad was trying to hide his fresh footlong subway behind his back. Next minute there’s tomato sauce all down his back and meatballs rolling across the floor, safe to say he did not start the first game of the tournament.


Photo provided by Weymouth FC & Mark Probin

First goal: Wow I cannot even remember but at the senior level it might have been for Scarborough Athletic.

First red card: I have never been sent off!

Best manager you have played under: Weymouth FC, Mark Molesley.

Favourite ground you have played at: José Alvalade Stadium - Sporting Lisbon.

Longest in the shower at any club: Not something I take note of!


Cameron Murray at Queensgate Bridlington

Biggest joker: Ben Thomson (Weymouth FC) or Josh Carson (York City).

Best player you’ve played with: I always find this question a hard one, but I would have to go with Nick Pope. You could tell he was going to end up in the Premiership. Outfield player is just too difficult to say!

Non-League club career:

Went on loan to Scarborough from York city who were in league 2 at the time, I then signed permanently not long after. I Loved my time at Scarborough, it was the first club at the senior level where I really began to feel I could play my own game and express myself. I then signed for F.C. United of Manchester which was a good experience. After that I had some short spells with a few other clubs before moving down south to Bournemouth. I signed for Dorchester Town first and then signed for Weymouth where I’m currently playing and where I would say I’ve had my most successful period in football so far.

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